Things to Prepare Before Releasing a Single or an Album

(Jorge Fakhouri Filho / Pexels)

So, you just finished producing your song. It’s recorded, it’s mixed, it’s mastered. You’re done, right? Well, I’m sorry to tell you, but that’s just half of the work. When it comes to releasing your music, there are so many non-music things that need to be done. It is the music business after all. But don’t worry, I will help list the important things you need to prepare before releasing your new music to the world.

Register with PRO

Performing Right Organization (PRO) is an organization that helps musicians collect royalties every time their music is being used for live performances or in the media. That is why it is important for you to register your new music to PRO. It will make the process a lot easier when someone wants to license your music, because PRO will have your updated information. SOCAN is the biggest PRO in Canada, so if you reside here, it’s best if you sign up. I wrote an article about SOCAN, so if you want to learn more, you can read it here.

All Visual Elements

You might not notice, but there are a lot of visual elements when it comes to releasing a single or an album. You definitely need cover arts for your music. You will also need new photos for the press, so they can put your face in their articles when they write about you. Another visual thing to prepare is images and videos for social media. Your fans need to see that you are dropping new music, so you might want to prepare some banners, posters, and teasers. And if you also want to release a music video or a lyric video, that should also be done before the release. This is why I would recommend you start working on the visuals while working on your music, so all of them can be finished at the same time before the release date.

Submit to Digital Aggregator

In this digital age, you probably want your music to be available on music streaming platforms like Spotify or Apple Music. And to do that, you need digital aggregators. These companies will help you distribute your music online so it will be available worldwide. I wrote an article about digital aggregators, so if you want to learn more about it, you can read it here.  

(Buro Millennial / Pexels)

Create a Press Kit

A press kit is very important when you are releasing a new single or an album. With a press kit, the press will have accurate information that they can use when writing articles about you and your new music. Your press kit should include your bio, details of your new project, photos, your accomplishments and previous press coverage, social media handles, upcoming show dates, contact information, and most importantly, your music. Nowadays, a lot of musicians create digital versions of their press kit called the Electronic Press Kit (EPK). If you decide to do that, you can put your EPK on your website, or attach it in the email when you are contacting the press. 

Website and Social Media Posts

Your fans need to know that you are releasing new music, and you need to get them pumped. Prepare social media content and schedule to post them leading up to your release date. And you should also update your website, because your new music should be the first thing someone sees when they visit your site. This way, people will know that you are releasing something new, and it’s gonna be awesome.

(Tracy Le Blanc / Pexels)

There’s a reason why it takes so long for musicians to release new singles or albums. There’s so much to prepare. It’s a long process, but if you do it right, it’s all worth it. Nothing can beat the feeling when people are finally able to enjoy something that you love and that you worked hard on for a very long time.

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