Cancel your lunch plans: today is National Sandwich Day!

Do you have some bread, cheese and meat? That’s all you need to get started on a sandwich! Today is National Sandwich Day, a day to celebrate one of the foods that are open to the most creativity. What’s your favourite sandwich? The possibilities are endless. Let’s discuss some of the history of the sandwich and see what some of my favourites are today.

Pixabay / SylwesterL

Big shoutout to John Montagu. This man from the 18th century is deemed the first “creator” of the sandwich. Are you familiar with the story of how the first sandwich came to be? The tale goes that Mr. Montagu was playing cards with his friends and didn’t want to leave the table to eat. What was his solution? Instead of having his food served traditionally (on a plate or with cutlery), he simply requested to have some roast beef placed between two slices of bread. Montagu got his request and ate it with his hands, and the sandwich was born. Pretty unique origin story, right?

What are some of your favourite sandwiches? Is there one “go-to” sandwich that you’ll make? How about your number one Subway order? Is there a “new” kind of sandwich that you’ve newly discovered. I have different answers for all of these questions, and I feel like my sandwich experiences are as distinctive as anyone else’s.

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My go-to sandwich? A simple, yet classic one: a turkey and cheese sandwich. I’m not too particular on what kind of bread, or what toppings or sauce go with these two wonderful ingredients. It just comes down to if someone asked me what sandwich I’d want, I’d happily say turkey and cheese.

As for my number one Subway order? That would be a tuna and cheese sandwich. I know it’s not a very traditional choice, but it’s something I started ordering when I was young and it’s stuck with me all these years. I guess the habit that people talk about on the internet about Subway is true, that no matter what sandwich options there are, you’ll still go with the “first” one you picked when you were young.

Then you have breakfast sandwiches. It’s less of a “new” discovery for me, but rather a new appreciation for their reputation within breakfast foods. It’s less convenient to make than what I usually I have time to make in the morning, but if I ever go out for breakfast I will nine times out of ten order a traditional breakfast sandwich.

Make or order your favourite sandwich today! The optimal lunch food is here to stay for generations to come!

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