Did you brush your teeth today? Today is National Brush Day!

Happy November 1st! How was your Halloween? Mine was pretty good, but this morning I wondered to myself, what should we celebrate next? Turns out, among other celebrations done on this day, it is National Brush Day! What kind of brush? The toothbrush, so this day appears to have been conveniently placed after the night where we all ate some Halloween candy.

Pixabay / stevepb

I purposely waited until today to let you know about the day of the brush because, well, Halloween was yesterday. But now that it’s the day after, it might be a good day to remind you to make sure you keep brushing your teeth! I have no dental knowledge, but I would assume that eating sugary treats in bulk can’t be good for your teeth. Sweets are in fact the number one contributor to some level of decay in your teeth if not dealt with properly.

National Brush Day is focused on children, because they are the ones that are still developing habits in their life, such as when and how often to brush their teeth. Did your friends or parents ever try to make brushing your teeth fun? It seems strange at first, but developing a good habit like brushing your teeth can easily be carried forward to the rest of your life if learned well. It doesn’t need to be looked at as a “chore”.

Can you think of some examples of how brushing has been attempted to look “fun”? The big one has got to be the toothbrushes from the 90s. They would play two-minute tunes for you to jam out to while you did the “recommended” brushing time. I never had one of those, and they are pretty much extinct now, but I could see how this idea could work!

Pixabay / martaposemuckel

Personally, I’m happy I can say I’ve never had a cavity. My dentist used to put up pictures of the children who were part of the “no cavity club”. I was included on this picture board, and that’s given me a mini motivational boost in my life to keep my teeth healthy and happy. I’m no perfectionist when it comes to brushing my teeth, but I still understand the importance behind the activity in terms of my overall health.

What will you do to celebrate National Brush Day? The best thing I can recommend is to “brush up” on how you brush your teeth, meaning be conscious while you brush. The next best thing to do? Grab your speaker, get creative, and jam out to your favourite song while you brush your teeth on National Brush Day!

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