The Balconies

The Balconies

[picture from Pixabay]

As I am writing this post, I’m sitting in the work room of our Radio Arts and Entertainment Program at BCIT. It’s a nice place where students bounce ideas off each other and complete our work for our media lab roles. We had a quiz in one of our classes today and some of our set spent our lunch hour hanging around the work room to study and prep for the quiz.

It’s late in the evening now, but I know that I will lose motivation when I get home, so I decided to stick around on campus for a bit longer. Another benefit of leaving campus later is to wait out the traffic and I won’t be going 10 km/h on a highway that should go 90 km/h. Oh don’t get me started with how bad traffic was on Tuesday this week.

Anyway, this song started playing on our radio and it caught my attention. I started nodding and tapping my feet to the beat, so I decided to Shazam it and learn more about this song.

“Kill Count” by The Balconies

The Balconies were a Canadian pop, rock, alternative rock group from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. There were three members in the group. They were active from 2007-2018 and announced to stop touring and work more towards music production under the name The Balconies Collective. Jacquie Neville played the guitar and was one of the vocalists, Liam Jaeger played the drums, guitar and was the other vocalist, Stephen Neville played the bass guitar.

The Balconies released four albums: The Balconies (2009), Fast Motions (2014), Rhonda (2016) and Show You (2017). They also released singles, EPs, and music videos.

“Somewhere in the city, speakers still ring with the remnants of The Balconies feedback. And ring on they will, as The Balconies leave a trail of exploded speakers and broken drumsticks in their wake. So, if you’re not interested in sparring vocals, feedback, whipping hair, sweaty bodies, dancing drums and bottom-heavy bass lines, steer clear of the Balconies.”


Although this band is no longer active. It doesn’t mean that their music will stop. I’m sure that they are still passionate about what they do, and their fans will support their music production. The switch from going on stage to behind the scenes is just like flipping to a new chapter of a book. Just like how I had encountered with their music, is where I opened the book somewhere in the middle.

Check out more of their music on their YouTube channel.

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