The absolute best Halloween night dinner

Have you heard about the latest trending topic of discussion about Halloween? It involves food, but not the kind you hand out for the trick-or-treaters. The question being asked a lot lately is: what do you eat for dinner on Halloween night? Other holidays have some “traditional” choices, such as turkey for Thanksgiving or ham on Christmas Eve / Christmas, but what do people eat on Halloween? Does it matter? I say it does, and the best option that needs to be talked about more is turkey soup.

Pixabay / RitaE

Ok, so picture this. It is a cold and crispy night; you see the Halloween decorations swaying in the breeze and you need something to warm you up before the big night. What better way to do this then pouring yourself a nice, hot, bowl of freshly made turkey soup.

So why is this the best Halloween night dinner? Well, as I mentioned before, it warms you up before you begin your Halloween endeavours. But also, think of that leftover turkey that you have from Thanksgiving a few weeks ago? You still have leftovers, right? Chop up that turkey and you’re already on your way to turkey soup.

Now I know soup from scratch can be intimidating for some people, but it doesn’t have to be. Part of the Halloween spirit is being creative, so why not get creative and experiment with different ingredients to create your own little spin on turkey soup? If you want to get really creative and feel in the Halloween spirit as you’re making it, picture yourself as the wicked witch from the west as you’re tossing and stirring the ingredients into the boiling pot of water over the stove. See? Making turkey soup on Halloween night can be fun!

Pixabay / Pexels

If you’re still not convinced, the bone broth from turkey soup has many health benefits. Some of these include a source of collagen, increasing your gut health and it helps with digestion. So not only does turkey soup warm you up and can be fun to make, it’s good for you too! It really doesn’t get better than that, you pretty much have the ultimate trio of positives for this food.

Halloween is only a week away, so head to the grocery store this weekend and pick up anything you might need to cook up a delicious and nutritious turkey soup. This dish has been a staple for myself on Halloween night, so there are many warming memories that are associated with digging into that steaming bowl of soup with my costume on.

This Halloween, make yourself some turkey soup: your mind, your body, and most importantly, your Halloween spirit will thank you!

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