The most UNDERRATED Halloween activity

Spooky season is here! Halloween is rapidly approaching, are you ready? I’m not quite yet, but what I am ready for is the most underrated Halloween activity: pumpkin craving!

What is your favourite Halloween activity? I don’t have necessarily a favourite, because ever since I stopped trick-or-treating (about 10 years ago now), I’ve kind of been indifferent about Halloween. I’m at the point now where I’ve been there, done that with all of the classic Halloween activities.

Pixabay / SzaboJanos

I do however, have something to say about the most UNDERRATED Halloween activity: and that is easily carving a Jack-O’-Lantern. I know the concept of it seems bizarre: you’re sticking a knife into a fruit (yes, a pumpkin is considered a fruit because it has seeds) and carving a face into it. But hear me out, this activity is the most underrated Halloween activity because it is the best way of feeling “involved” with the whole “spirit” of the holiday.

I’m no artist myself, but I just love the creative aspect of getting to design my own pumpkin every year on one of the nights prior to the big night. The final product never turns out exactly how I plan, but hey, that’s part of the fun of it! You usually have an idea in your mind before you start carving, but by the end of it you have your own unique masterpiece.

Alright, so now that you know why carving a Jack-O’-Lantern is the most underrated Halloween activity, I thought I’d share a spicy hot take about what I think is the most OVERRRATED Halloween activity. This isn’t an activity that I don’t like or don’t appreciate, but just a thing that people do on Halloween that personally doesn’t live up to the hype that people make it to be.

Pixabay / JamesWheeler

You probably won’t think this is coming, but an overrated activity is visiting a pumpkin patch. Ok, ok, I know I just said that the most underrated activity is CARVING pumpkins, but the idea of making a whole “day out” of going to a patch of land with pumpkins on it and other “fall aesthetic” things is just not it. I forgot to mention before, but fall is my least favourite season, but that’s a topic for another day. I say go to a pumpkin batch, but just grab a pumpkin and go, no need to spend hours or even all day there.

Don’t forget, carve some pumpkins this Halloween! It’s an activity that will surely leave you feeling in the Halloween spirit!

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