When it comes to teenage, what is the first thought of your mind? Ahh…young age? Honestly, this one is from my personal observation. Whenever I take transit,It can be heard that seven out of ten high school students just discuss about different flavours of vape.

According to the Canadian Centre on Substance use and addiction( CCSA) , almost 45% of Canada’s population is prone to substance use. And out of those, 27% consume substance such as alcohol, cannabis (which is on the top) and then E-cigarettes or vape.

It’s not only about substance abuse, but could be about genders identification, love or situation ships, bodily changes, self- confidence, bridging to adulthood or they might be struggling with their relationships with their own family.

Well these are some of the traditional and long-lived issues, however the American population is facing the problem which is GENDER IDENTITY. Well, we will talk about it in the later part of this article.

You would never realise what that expressionless co-passenger in that bus right in front of you might be going through? whether is sad, stressed or just pretending to live a life.

Therefore, it’s important to talk to all the teenagers around us to make sure that they are physically and mentally both healthy. This is the age when someone needs the most attention and compassion…! We often get so busy paying attention to our professional life, that we hardly pay attention to how our close ones are doing?



  REASONS explaining the challenges they face:

The very crucial age certainly begins around childhood, but it is to be noted the most twisted point of someone’s life iso usually during their puberty. Mostly Canadian teenagers live with both of their parents. Well parenting plays a major role in bringing up, of course.

According to psychologists, living with the caring parents makes a huge difference. For example, if Claire received a hateful comment about her looks at her school and she comes home sad, however, her parents try to ask her and finds her a solution, can certainly make her day and life better in the end.


But some of them who don’t get enough compassion from someone get stuck in some of the life confusions.  The following are some of the major issues that an adolescent is challenged according to the Canadian census:


1). Mental health: There are health issues such as anxiety and depression that destroy their mental peace and they are distracted from a simple living.


2). Substance abuse: Although the very consumption of alcohol starts from those restaurants just for social hangout but ends up drinking for fun. In the end, they are found drinking and driving subconsciously which is sometimes rash, and sometimes getting involved in an accident.

GLOBAL NEWS mentions 35% of teens riding with alcohol-impaired drivers in 2017. The number might have increased now.

Other consumptions include TOBACCO, DRUGS, VAPES and OPIOIDS misuse. These apprantely do not affect the physical state but mental make your body addicted to these and hormonal changes that affect the health consequently.


Yes, they say weed doesn’t get your health, but to many body types, it causes particular behavioural changes, to which our body develops chemicals and stops reacting naturally causing it to ask for more of its consumption.


There are definitely some reasons why  a person chooses drugs, could be peer pressure, sadness, wrong society or ‘ lets give it a try’. However, there is always a way back from the dark hole and these reasons are not enough to continue even if you realize that not good for you to live here healthily.



3).Bullying: there are different kinds of bullying, out of which the cyber-bullying is prevalent method. Also the traditional ways, such as, making fun on you talk or if you  fumble sometimes really affects the mindset. It affects your self-confidence and the way you carry outside after that.


4). Academic pressure: sometimes, the competition or the assignment to complete something by a certain deadline really affects the mental stability of a student especially when they in puberty.



5). Peer pressure: Which could be about having a “ cool social life”, a beautiful partner, good score in tests, living a luxurious lifestyle or mainly about being the most popular and good-looking teen your school lead to lots of stress. Or it could be about certain activities leading to risky behaviours, like rash or driving fast under peer pressure.


However, this sometimes comes to ego of a person, when your peers around you force you do something because you are not mature enough to take the right decisions and choose your health and safety.


6). Relationships: This is another major issue that I think we must pay attention to, not only for teens but for all age groups.  It is observed from a 19-year-old tall guy who talks more about situation ships in his life more than love relationships. Love and loyalty just seem to be words for most of the GEN Z.

This, of course, affects the tender age as they are unable to understand the delicacy of the relationships and get hurt later.


7). Bodily changes: The physical, hormonal, and mental changes a teen goes through makes the understanding of their surroundings hard for them.


8) Bridging to adulthood: Exiting to a bigger picture of life of choosing the professional career, better relationship, and human understanding, all these things form the bigger chunk of responsibilities that they never had before.


Financial literacy: honestly, this is something I am still learning. It is very important for a teen to understand the right use of money they earn or get as a pocket money.


9)Technology and screen time: the technology might be a very new thing for millennials, therefore its easier for them to leave the phone when needed. While the GEN Z, is always seen surfing on their mobile phones. Even if they are with their families and it’s a quality time.


Yeah, knowing all the pros and cons of using social media for too long, it sometimes get hard for me get off it . But there always some responsibilities or it could be your siblings playing around, that you need to throw it away and start fighting with them. This is ultimate method of making you happy internally as it releases lots of oxytocin and endorphin.


However, its not a major issue but seems to be a growing matter.  Since, Melissa Généreux, a public health physician in Sherbrooke, Quebec, noted a gender discrepancy in her recent survey of young people in Quebec.

Girls, transgender and non-binary teens reported higher rates of symptoms of anxiety and depression than boys.

We could include as many topics as available at this moment with the evolving technology and media, but I believe, Love is another physical dimension that exists.

Have you ever realised that the person you were missing 5 minutes back calls you right away? That powerful is Love. And God blessed you with limbs and tongue to communicate your felings. So lets make sure teenagers and everyone is doing mentally great.


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