Why is Cereal a Salad and Hotdogs are Tacos?

Ever wondered if a hotdog is a sandwich? If you said yes, you’re wrong. Let’s dive into the craziest food theory, the Cube Theory, to unlock the answer as to why this makes complete sense. Think of it as a foodie adventure where a cube becomes our guide to understanding the essence of different dishes.

According to the cube theory, there are eight categories of food, each defined by the placement of starch. Now, picture a cube in your mind, and let’s see where the starch goes. It’s a bit like solving a delicious puzzle, and trust me, it’s a lot more fun than it sounds

Let’s start with the classic. If you have starch on the top and bottom, like in your typical sandwich, it’s exactly what it looks like – a sandwich. Your PB&J or ham and cheese fit this category like a glove. Oreos are sandwiches as well and if you make your quesadillas with one tortilla on top and the other one at the bottom (without folding the tortilla), it’s a sandwich as well.

Now, things get interesting. Starch on the bottom and on the sides? Say hello to tacos! That’s right, according to our fun little theory, a hotdog is indeed a taco. The starch on three sides makes it the perfect taco, so a taco is a taco and so is a subway.

Make the stach on 5 sides and you have yourself a quiche. A wrap is a quiche, ice cream on a cone is a quiche and pie is a quiche.

Imagine now the whole cube with starch on all sides – that’s where calzones live. These pockets of deliciousness are filled with anything from meat to veggies and spices. Obviously, a calzone is a calzone, but so are ravioli, and yes, even deep-fried chicken is a calzone.

And last but not least, my favorite, Sushi. A roll with the starch on the bottom and sides, but without a middle. So, a burrito, with its tortilla hugging all those tasty ingredients, fits the sushi category. Mind = blown.

Now, you’re probably wondering, what about the salad? Think cereal – there isn’t really a starch on either side, so cereal is salad and your breakfast just got a little more exciting.

So, there you have it, The Cube Theory is like a secret code that reveals the true nature of our favorite foods. It’s a playful reminder that there’s more to our culinary favorites than meets the eye. Whether it’s proving that a hotdog is a taco or that a burrito could be sushi, it’s a tasty journey of discovery.

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