Ernesto “Che” Guevara a Revolutionary Figure.

A major protagonist in the Cuban Revolution and a symbol of defiance and social justice ever since, Ernesto “Che” Guevara was a notable revolutionary figure. On October 9, we remember his passing and think about his life, his ideas, and the difference he made in the world.

Despite his Argentine birth in 1928, Che Guevara is more known for his pivotal involvement in the Cuban Revolution with Fidel Castro. Because of his belief in Marxism and his hope for a more just society, Che Guevara gave up his privileged lifestyle to join a revolutionary guerrilla. In 1959, he fought alongside Castro’s soldiers and helped bring about the downfall of Cuban tyrant Fulgencio Batista.

Che Guevara was instrumental in the post-revolutionary reconstruction of Cuban society and economy, holding several positions of prominence in the Cuban government. He made tremendous progress in bettering the lives of many Cubans by advocating for land redistribution, free education, and universal healthcare.

But Che’s revolutionary work went beyond Cuba. He developed an interest in and commitment to liberation and social change movements in other regions of the world, notably Latin America and Africa, and became an outspoken internationalist as a result. Because of his unwavering faith in the ability of regular people to effect change, he became a symbol for those against injustice and imperialism.

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On October 9, 1967, while in Bolivia trying to start yet another revolution, Che Guevara tragically lost his life. Soldiers from Bolivia carried out the CIA’s orders and shot him to death. The globe’s revolutionary movement suffered a great loss with his death, and people all around the world were outraged and protested over it.

Not only is Che’s picture immortalized on innumerable posters and T-shirts, but the fight for equality and freedom goes on in his name. His willingness to confront injustice no matter the cost has been an inspiration to activists and revolutionaries everywhere.

People gather each year on the anniversary of Che Guevara’s death to remember his life and celebrate his ideas. They consider his ever-resonant call to action to make the world a better, more equitable place. No matter what you think of Che, you can’t deny his commitment to his cause or the sacrifices he made for it. The lessons we may learn from his life and work are that the fight for justice and equality is never over and that one person can make a huge difference in the world.

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