Album Review: Apollo By The Tourist Company

Released in 2016, “Apollo” by The Tourist Company offers a refreshing and immersive escape into a world of alternative rock and pop. The Vancouver-based indie rock band’s third studio album, “Apollo,” is filled with lush instrumentation, imaginative lyrics, and a sense of cosmic exploration. If this sounds like your thing, read on to find out my thoughts on the album.

Tracklist Overview: “Apollo” is a meticulously crafted album, featuring ten tracks that seamlessly flow into one another. Each song contributes to the overarching narrative, creating a cohesive listening experience that feels like a complete story. The album’s title, a nod to the Greek god of music and poetry, aptly sets the stage for the musical journey that awaits.

Expansive Soundscapes: From the opening notes of “The Space Race,” it becomes clear that The Tourist Company has embraced a more expansive sound compared to their previous work. The album is awash with rich layers of instrumentation, including dreamy synths, delicate guitar work, and a dynamic rhythm section. This combo serves as the perfect backdrop for Taylor Swindells’ emotive vocals.

Emotional Depth: It’s easy to feel lost in such a chaotic world, if you’re going through a journey of self discovery, “Apollo” will strike a chord as it centers on themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and the search for meaning in a world that often feels overwhelming. Tracks like “Apollo” and “Conflicted” are particularly powerful, showcasing Swindells’ lyrical prowess and ability to convey complex emotions. 

Stellar Highlights: While the entire album is a standout work of art, certain tracks shine brightly. “Stargazer” is a masterpiece that captures the wonder of gazing at the night sky. The hauntingly beautiful “Scars & Stripes” explores themes of love and vulnerability with a mesmerizing melody that lingers in the mind. “Terminus” serves as a captivating closer, leaving listeners with a sense of hope. These three songs are my favourite on an album that packs a punch. 

Evolution of Style: “Apollo” represents a significant evolution in The Tourist Company’s musical style. While their earlier work was characterized by a more folk-influenced sound, this album ventures into alternative rock and dream-pop territory. This shift allows the band to explore new sonic textures and experiment with a broader range of emotions.

Immersive Production: The album’s production quality is top-notch, with every instrument and vocal track expertly mixed and balanced. The attention to detail in the production enhances the album’s immersive qualities, enveloping the listener in a space that feels both familiar and otherworldly.

Overall, “Apollo” by The Tourist Company is a masterclass in alternative rock artistry. The album blends rich instrumentation with heartfelt lyrics. It’s an album that rewards repeated listens, with each playthrough revealing new layers and nuances to appreciate. “Apollo” firmly establishes The Tourist Company as a band to watch, and their musical journey is one that fans and newcomers alike should eagerly join. I give it an 8.5 out of 10. If you haven’t yet, go check the album out!

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