Thoughts On Drinking Culture

As a person who is two months sober as of this article, I think a lot about drinking. How fun it was. How it affected me. And why I started drinking. Tracing back, I realized that what made me start drinking in the first place was because of the drinking culture. It looked so fun, getting drunk and talking about the things we wouldn’t talk about when sober. But not being part of it now, I do have mixed feelings about it.

Let’s lay out some good aspects before the bad. It looks fun, especially with others. Drinking can build relationships. It’s the perfect icebreaker, any awkward tensions with a person can usually be drowned out by alcohol consumption. Professionalism? It’s gone after a couple of sips. People get more real and more relaxed unless you’re the type of drunk who gets mad easily. One of my best friends and I got closer after a couple of vodka shots.

Another thing is that when you buy booze, you are contributing to the economy, creating jobs and helping the people in the industry to get by rent and life. How nice is that? But that goes with every other purchase too.

Now let’s talk about the bad part. Obviously, health is something I would mention because it’s an apparent fact that alcohol is very unhealthy for you. In fact, it can cause liver diseases and heart conditions, and do I have to really list everything? The point is, it’s all bad. There are more than 3 million alcohol-related deaths every year globally.

Being drunk can feel nice, but it could hinder your productivity and it can lead to unwanted consequences at work or school.

And while it supports the alcohol industry and its workers, it really drains out your wallet. Alcohol is expensive. Can you believe that we live in an era where a shot is around 10 bucks? And if you get a health risk due to drinking, your student debt won’t be the only problem adding to your financial state.

Drinking can build relationships, but it usually does the opposite. Addictions strain relationships and break families apart. I think we heard enough stories about deadbeat dads who were alcoholics that I don’t need to elaborate on.

Drinking has more bad outweighing the good, and it’s no competition. Do you think that being in a culture that could potentially ruin or take your life can ever be good, no matter the fun? So either be careful about how much you drink or join me.


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