The Ocean’s at Your Backdoor

We live in such a unique place, being so close to the ocean. Do you take advantage of our world-class West Coast beaches? If you live in the Lower Mainland, I’m willing to bet that you’ve has been to Kitsilano beach at least once. Although it’s a fun party spot, I personally think it’s a little overrated. My favorite beach is only 10 minutes from Kits; Jericho! 

I like Jericho because when the tide is down, you can walk so far out from the beach. There’s still a thin layer of water to walk through, but it’s so warm and the washboarded sand massages your feet. 

It’s also fun to just sit on the sandy beach there- you can be entertained by parasailers, paddleboarders, and lots of little creatures like crabs. The seagulls are so funny to watch. Sometimes they’re jerks to each other and it’s just very entertaining to watch. There’s also a surprising amount of sea glass to find along the shores here.

There’s also lots of bunnies. Yes, bunnies! There’s a colony of black bunnies that live on the outskirts of Jericho beach. Who would’ve thought they’d be black, standing out being in a sandy and bright area? They’ve expanded significantly in population in the last couple years. A lot of days, I went to the beach specifically to visit them. I brought them some lettuce and carrots, and one of them even climbed on my leg and put his paws on my hand to reach for the snack. They’re super friendly, and although it’s good to be cautious, I wouldn’t worry about them being feral. Last May, there were a couple new babies! One was dark grey (obviously my favorite) and he was so cute and friendly. Definitely check it out and get some free bunny therapy!

Another unique spot is Wreck Beach at UBC. You go down a ton of steep stairs in a massive jungled area. I guarantee you’ll experience some of the biggest trees you’ll ever see! It magically opens up to a big beach with an endless ocean ahead. The beach is a mix of sand and rocks, and there’s a couple abandoned towers you can check out, too. The experience you get from visiting this beach just feels like an all-around adventure! 

Many people dream of being so incredibly close to these ocean beaches. Take advantage since you’re here, and make some unforgettable memories, meet some curious and cuddly friends, and have a fun adventure!

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