The SPORTS article

So, I must come clean about something. My job right now as an online writer is to write about culture, of course, but I was also supposed to be writing about…SPORTS. Culture AND sports. Not just culture. Well, being the silly little individual that I am, I know next to nothing about sports. I keep up with figure skating to a degree, but very casually, and as of late I haven’t really had time to get all the updates from the figure skating world. Other than that, the realm of professional or local sports is a complete mystery to me. So, to compromise, I figured that I would write an article about sports as a concept, instead of any actual sports-talk, because no matter how much research I do, I know that if I make even ONE mistake, I will get flamed by some jock who salivates at the screen whenever his favorite player does something to the ball or puck or whatever. Alright, I am playing a little dumb right now, and I am also not a complete sports-hater.


Just because I don’t let hockey game schedules rule over my life, doesn’t mean that I don’t enjoy watching sports, too! I have very basic knowledge of hockey, and the only reason for THAT is because I had a boyfriend who was very obsessed with it, and he taught me a lot. Go figure. I think hockey is still fun to watch if you don’t fully understand the rules, but I think that (American) football is probably also really fun to watch, but you need to understand the rules really well. I played a lot of sports growing up, but no matter how hard my parents tried to force me to be athletic, it never took. I can run kind of well, and wasn’t half bad at basketball (mostly because I was really tall as a kid), but otherwise, I lack athletic ability. I am much more suited to a typewriter than a tightrope, ha ha. Seriously though, I think being athletic and stuff is cool and I wish I could be like that, but the only exercise I get is walking literally everywhere, going on my long jogs, and whatever random YouTube workout I decide to do in my room. Which isn’t bad but also, I am not the pinnacle of health or anything. Sports can be really fun at an intramural level, though!

Do you play sports? Are you athletic? Do you watch sports (i’m gonna assume that’s a “yes”)?


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