Going to the beach

We find ourselves in mid-May, and summer has come quite early this year. I am not a Vancouver native, so as an outsider, seeing a sudden influx in people just walking on the street or doing things outside is kind of jarring. I usually only live here for the wintery and bitter cold months, so I’ve never properly experienced what it’s like to live in Vancouver during a time where the weather isn’t completely miserable. I’m so used to leaving my house and seeing a few other people scattered around, all bundled up with their umbrellas. People aren’t necessarily wrong when they say that Vancouver seems like a really unfriendly place, but in its defense, the weather sucks for a good portion of the year, and TRUST ME, when it’s really yucky out, the last thing on my mind is how friendly I am presenting to the strangers around me. I’m sure the same goes for others.

Anyway, one thing that I’ve been doing during this fun little heatwave is going to the BEACH. Jericho beach, specifically. I’ve been going at night to smoke basically (sorry), but I’ve seen people posting pictures of that beach as well as many others, and wow, there are TONS of people packed in there like sardines in a can. Personally, I do not enjoy the beach when it’s really busy like that. Too many people kind of ruins the beachy vibe that I crave. I really like the beach–I grew up going to the beach on the Ottawa river, and other Ontarian lakes, and then shifted to beaches on the California coast, which are quite spectacular. Maybe, dare I say, some of the best beaches in the world…Vancouver beaches are pretty unique, and it sucks that you can’t really swim (at least, I wouldn’t).


I know a lot of people are not fans of the beach, what with the sand and the rotting seaweed smells and all, and I get that. But I just really like being by the water. When I go to the beach, I like to lay in the sun like a lizard. I might be reading something or listening to music, but either way, I require full sunshine. And maybe a good pair of sunglasses. I like going to the beach with friends, of course, but I definitely don’t mind going all by myself.


Are you a fan of the beach? Or are you more of a forest person, mountain person…or just a stay inside person?

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