Cats v. dogs

I currently don’t have any pets of my own, but I wish I did! I’ve grown up with dogs, and at one point I had a betta fish for a few years, but my heart lies with cats…even though I’ve never had one, and am also allergic to them. I just think they are the cutest animals ever! But I know that a lot of people wouldn’t necessarily agree with me. I’ve noticed that self-ascribed Dog People are more often than not also Cat Haters. They like dogs, sure, but for some reason they just passionately HATE cats. Sometimes I feel like they’re not even dog people, literally just cat haters. Meanwhile, people who like cats tend to really love cats, and feel relatively indifferent to dogs. It looks like the dog people are a bunch of HATERS! I’m just kidding…both pets are pretty awesome, in my opinion. I would personally prefer a cat myself, but I have no issues with dogs! I think they’re fun little guys. But both are suited to different personalities.

Cats are, for the most part, very independent little creatures. They often prefer to be left to do their own thing, which makes them great pets for people who equally enjoy having their own space. Cats are also pretty low maintenance, all things considered. They’re technically self-cleaning, and they take care of their personal business in a neat little box that can be tucked away in a laundry room or some secluded place in your house. They also have so much personality, and they don’t get that big, either, unless you’ve got a Maine Coon or something. Cats aren’t perfect, though, no matter how much I tell myself that they are. Most breeds shed a lot, which is not great for people with allergies, and their litter boxes can also smell pretty bad.


Dogs are not independent in the slightest, and require a lot of attention and constant care. They are definitely more of an undertaking when getting a pet. Dogs are usually pretty high-energy, and are perfect for people who are active, or who maybe want to be more active. They are truly sweet and can often be more affectionate than cats, which is another one of their big draws. Despite being more work than cats, dogs do have a lot of personality, and there are more breeds that are hypoallergenic, as well.


I am a fan of both pets, but really I just love animals. Are you team DOG or team CAT?

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