Avey Tare @ The Biltmore – Concert Review

Avey Tare

zaigee / Flickr

On Wednesday, May 3rd, I had the chance to see an artist who is very near and dear to my heart–Avey Tare. Avey, A.K.A. David Portner, is an American psychedelic/experimental folk & pop artist who is one of the founding members of the band Animal Collective. He put out a solo album earlier this year in February called 7s (pronounced “sevens”). It’s a great psych pop record! The album artwork is cute, and Avey’s electronic sound has a nice mix of poppy and ambient elements, especially on tracks “Hey Bog” and “The Musical”. His vocals are distinct and have great range, which is typical for his style. I recommend giving it a listen if it sounds like something you’d be into!

Anyway, back to the show.

Avey played at the Biltmore Cabaret in Mount Pleasant. It was my first time seeing a show at this venue, and as someone who is quite navigationally challenged…I did get lost trying to find the place. But I wouldn’t say that was the fault of the Biltmore itself, definitely my own Google Maps-induced directional incompetence. It’s got a blood-red exterior, not easy to miss if, like most, you know where you’re going. 

I arrived late (on account of getting LOST), so I caught the last couple songs from the opener, film director Danny Perez. He directed ODDSAC, which is a “visual album”film featuring music by Animal Collective. I can’t really comment on his set since I missed most of it, but from what I did hear, it sounded like pretty standard ambient, drone-y electronica. Nothing too crazy…he’s more of a visuals guy compared to audio. After he finished up and we were waiting for Avey to get on, I got a chance to explore the venue a bit. 

The Biltmore is super cool! It’s small–the ceiling is low to the ground, and it has a dark and gothic vibe. It also has a few pinball machines, one of them being Sopranos-themed. It’s an intimate space, perfect for smaller shows.

After my little romp, Avey started playing. It was just him on stage with his guitar and his beep-boop beats. His set was pretty good, mostly stuff from 7s but a few from his other albums, too. The best part of the performance was his closing song, “Chocolate Girl”, off of Spirit They’re Gone, Spirit They’ve Vanished, an album he made with AnCo member Panda Bear (A.K.A. Noah Lennox). The version he played was really beautiful, and it was incredible to see this song live. Fun Sophie fact; “Chocolate Girl” was the first Animal Collective song I ever heard, and it introduced me to both the band and Avey’s work. Needless to say, it was a special experience for me…I may have even cried a bit. Maybe.

Avey’s show was chill and comfy, and I’m so glad I got a chance to see him perform. I also happened to catch him after he finished up and we got a picture together!

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Avey, me, and my boyfriend!

Overall, it was a great experience, and I would love to see him again in the future!


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