Concert pet peeves – awaited encores, sign blockage, and spilling drinks

What are some of your worse concert pet peeves? I have so many at this point I could probably write an entire book on the concerts that have been ruined because of other people. So, here’s my top three.


Sofi Etiquette was a lot better. HYBE should really start banning posters and slogans. #bts #ptd_on_stage_lv #btsarmy

♬ original sound – hi

Sign Me Up

We’ve all been there. You spend months anticipating a concert and you’re on the moon. Finally, you finally make it to the venue but and pick a seat with a beautiful view of the show. But then, you encounter one of the biggest concert pet peeves. People holding up signs for the entire show and blocking everyone’s view.

Are you really that desperate for attention? That kind of behaviour is annoying and incredibly disrespectful. The people behind you paid good money to see the show and now you’re ruining their experience. And for what? So that your favourite band might notice you for 5 seconds and think you’re selfish. If you really need to hold up a sign, at least have the decency to put it down between songs or during the breaks.


Achi Raz / Flickr

Drunk Drinkers

Another annoying pet peeve is when people don’t watch their drinks and end up spilling them all over you. Look, I get it. You’re having a good time and you’ve had one too many drinks. But that doesn’t mean you can ruin someone else’s concert experience. Listening to your favorite band is a lot less enjoyable when you’re soggy and smell like beer. So please drink responsibly and keep an eye on your drinks. But genuine accidents do happen so if you spill apologize and offer to help clean it up.

Garbage - Shirley Manson, Duke Erikson, Steve Marker & Butch Vig

Peter Hutchins / Flickr

We’re Waiting Encores

Lastly, there’s the dreaded encore. Don’t get me wrong I love a good encore but emphasis on the good. What’s with the whole “leave the stage for 10 minutes and come back” routine? I looked at the setlist, so I know it’s planned. Leaving for a minute can be fun sometimes but making the crowd wait like 10 minutes feels a little disingenuous. Those moments can be fun when you play your cards right. So, play your set, take a quick break, and come back on for an encore. It’s not that hard.

I know pet peeves can feel naggy sometimes, but they do have a big impact on your experience. So, be mindful of others, keep your signs down, watch your drinks, and don’t leave us hanging for too long during the encore. Trust us, your fellow concertgoers will thank you.

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