Am I The Only One That’s Not on Instagram? In 2023?

Am I the only one that’s not on Instagram? Wherever I go, I always have people asking for my Instagram or to follow each other then to get puzzled looks from them when I tell them I don’t use Instagram. Some of them joke that I’m too old for it (come on, I’m not that old) and some think there are upsides to not being on the platform. Even one of my previous co-workers in her 70s had Instagram. Overall, Instagram and constantly updating on any other social media platform has just never really appealed to me.

I remember when Instagram took off in the early 2010s, I was in high school, the platforms before it that were popular were Myspace and Facebook. In the days of those sites, we mostly accessed them from computers. Smartphones and apps back then weren’t nearly as capable as they are now. Nowadays Myspace is pretty much dead and while Facebook still has plenty of active users, the younger audience has moved on to other apps as their main social platforms.

Instagram came at a good time, when smartphones were just starting to become truly capable as multi-entertainment devices and when scrolling on different apps throughout the day became feasible. With improved processing power and cameras, better network speeds coming along, these are all reasons Instagram was able to gain a big following quickly and is still hugely popular today. But have you ever thought apps like Instagram were too time consuming or have just wanted to take a break from social media? Well, you’re not alone.  

In a world that seems to revolve around social media, it’s becoming increasingly common for people to feel like they’re missing out if they’re not on Instagram. While there are certainly benefits to using social media platforms like Instagram, there are also valid reasons for choosing not to be on the app. In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons why someone might choose not to be on Instagram and what they might be missing out on (or not) as a result.

Privacy Concerns

One of the main reasons why someone might choose not to be on Instagram is due to privacy concerns. Social media platforms collect a vast amount of data about their users, including their location, search history, and interests. For some people, this level of tracking and data collection can feel intrusive, and they may choose to opt out of using social media altogether to protect their privacy.

I personally know that as long as I’m using an electronic device, I’m always being tracked so this is not one of the reasons why I don’t use Instagram. But it’s no doubt that a lot of people feel the privacy of their data is a top concern and understandably so. If this is one of your reasons for not using Instagram, it’s valid.  

Time Management

Instagram can be a significant time sink for many people, with its endless scroll of images and videos. For those who struggle with time management or find themselves easily distracted, Instagram can be a major productivity killer. Choosing not to be on Instagram can free up time for other activities, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family.

I just don’t spend too much time on social media in general, there are times where I start watching videos, then another interesting one pops up, then another one and before you know it, hours have gone by. By not being on social media like Instagram, I’m saving a good chunk of time.

Mental Health

Social media has been linked to a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. For some people, the constant comparisons to others and the pressure to present a perfect image of themselves online can be overwhelming. Choosing not to be on Instagram can help individuals avoid these negative effects on their mental health and improve their overall wellbeing.

Let’s be honest here, no one’s living a picture perfect life and even for those who seemingly are, they are probably dealing with their own struggles we can’t and don’t see on social media. So if you’re facing problems or struggles, just know that it’s completely normal and there’s no need to compare your life to anyone else’s on social media. 


With the prevalence of filters and photo editing tools on Instagram, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to tell what’s real and what’s not. For those who value authenticity and genuine connections, Instagram may not feel like the right platform. Choosing not to be on Instagram can allow individuals to focus on building real-life relationships and connections with others.

I’m pretty terrible at taking selfies and apart from groufies, or group selfies, I almost never take selfies. I never put filters on any photos either, I’m not saying it’s bad for those that choose to, but for whatever reason, filtering photos has just never appealed to me.

Creative Freedom

While Instagram can be a great platform for showcasing creativity, it can also feel limiting for some individuals. With its focus on highly curated and aesthetically pleasing content, some people may feel like they’re not able to express themselves fully on the platform. Choosing not to be on Instagram can free individuals from these limitations and allow them to explore their creativity in other ways.

Downsides of Not Being on Instagram

Of course, as with anything, there are upsides and downsides to not being on Instagram. So, what are the downsides of not being on Instagram? For one, it can make it more difficult to stay connected with friends and family who are on the app. Instagram is a popular way for people to share updates and photos with their loved ones, and not being on the platform can mean missing out on these moments.

Harder to Stay on Top of Trends

Additionally, not being on Instagram can make it harder to stay up-to-date on certain news and trends. Instagram is often a hub for viral trends and cultural moments, and not being on the app can mean missing out on these conversations.

Personally these things haven’t impacted me too much, for sharing photos I prefer to use Wechat or Whatsapp, this way I can send them to specific people or just to show them in person. For staying up to date on news and trends there are plenty of platforms and apps, namely Weibo, Tencent News, TikTok, Twitter etc. that are good substitutes.   

It’s important to remember that there are plenty of other ways to stay connected with friends and family and to stay informed on news and trends. And for those who value privacy, mental health, authenticity, creative freedom, or time management, the benefits of not being on Instagram may far outweigh the downsides.

While Instagram can be a great platform for connecting with others, sharing creativity, and staying up-to-date on news and trends, it’s not for everyone. Choosing not to be on Instagram can be a valid, empowering or comfortable decision for some. Ultimately, it’s up to each individual to decide whether Instagram is right for them and to make the choice that best aligns with their values and priorities.

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