NBA Expansion? Come to Vancouver

With the little rumors of an NBA expansion coming in the near future, there has to be some cities in the running for those spots. Of course as a Vancouverite I would say Vancouver definitely should take that spot, but why? Well, there are a ton of reasons why.

First, there is huge marketing potential if an NBA team came back to Vancouver. Vancouver has a thriving market with a diverse population and strong economy compared to other Canadian cities. It is the third-largest city in Canada with a rich sports history and a dedicated fan base when the Grizzlies were still in Vancouver. So we have already proven we can support a team, so if a team would come back, it could spark the fan base right back up and inspire a new generation of basketball fans to sell out the seats.

Talking about the seats lets talk about infrastructure. Vancouver already has some state-of-the-art facilities. For example Rogers Arena. Rogers Arena already has proven it can hold multiple sporting events like, NHL games, the Olympics, and the upcoming UFC event, so why not some NBA games. If Vancouver would bring in an NBA team, taking them in would be little to no problem.

Of course we should also mention the culture of Vancouver. Vancouver is known for our multiculturalism and inclusivity. We have a rich tapestry of communities from all around the world, and exposing them to a close NBA team could only mean good things for Vancouver and the NBA. For the NBA it would showcase their commitment to diversity, and for the fans it allows our diverse community to come together and connect with another Vancouver team. Also, Vancouver’s friendly and welcoming atmosphere would align with the NBA’s values of inclusiveness and social justice.

With a new Vancouver team, it can also spark fun and interesting sports rivalry for fans in North America. Just geographically, the team in Vancouver could spark a rivalry with Portland or a rumored new Seattle team. Or how about a east versus west rivalry between Toronto and Vancouver? Imagine the possibilities!  Having these competitive matchups could be tremendous, not only for the fans, but for marketing opportunities! East versus west seems extremely marketable to me.

Overall, Vancouver has to be at the top of the list for an expansion team. Vancouver has an amazing fan base, that is diverse, and ride or die for their teams. Also can’t forget to mention the strong marketing potential here with the possibility of big rivalries and sold out seats for games. And with the previous experience with the Grizzlies being in Vancouver, we have still shown there is an appetite for an NBA team here. So when the time comes, Vancouver will put itself back on the map in the NBA.



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