Knife Pleats – sharp and innovative music

If you’re craving some soft indie rock vibes, then Knife Pleats has you covered. The bands’ been around since 2014 and they have continued to gain traction in the Vancouver music scene. Their songs are catchy, their vocals powerful, and their energy is a perfect mix of smooth and enticing. When I hear songs like “Wonderful” I just want to lay on my couch and reflect on life. The Knife Pleats are the perfect band for chill session.

Knife Pleats main rep person is Rose Melberg. She’s a well-known figure in the indie rock world and she’s been making music for well over two decades. Knife Pleats utilizes Rose Melbergs’ impressive abilities and builds on her experience by adding some fellow talented musicians into the mix. Gregor Phillips, Kaity McWhinney, and Tracey Vath of Love Cuts help bring a fresh perspective and make Knife Pleats even more unique.

I really appreciate how Knife Pleats uses each band members combined skills to blend different genres together seamlessly. Their songs are an eccentric combo of indie rock, power pop, and punk. I honestly think it’s impossible not to zone out and get lost in the immaculate vibes of their music. What can I say their songs are just so catchy, relatable, and plain fun to listen to.

Here's two songs from our upcoming album!

Posted by Knife Pleats on Monday 6 July 2015

Though music isn’t the only thing that sets Knife Pleats apart. Their live performances are an incredible and unique experience. Rose’s powerful vocals take center stage and hype up the crowd. She’s a natural performer that fills the stage with infectiously delightful energy. Rose’s voice paired with the rest of the band makes it impossible not to get caught up in the excitement.

Knife Pleats visuals are absolutely incredible! Like seriously they have some of the most unique album cover artwork. Each album cover is fun and filled with colorful. They have a hand-drawn illustration that perfectly captures the aesthetic vibe of the songs inside. You can tell how much thought and care was put into every aspect of Knife Pleats. Also, I know I’ve been gushing about them but i just need to say one more thing. Knife Pleats is just such an amazing name for a band. The visual it puts in your head is incredible and the name pairs so well with their album covers as well. The way everything about Knife Pleats matches perfectly is just so amazing! Their band is a 10/10 and I’d highly recommend checking them out!

Knife Pleats @ the Biltmore – supporting Waxahatchee

Posted by Steve Louie Photos on Monday 4 May 2015

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