The wealthy pig

What do children keep their coins in? A piggybank!

@Oleksandr Pidvalnyi / Pexels

Piggybanks can come in all shapes and sizes. I remember I made a piggybank in grade 7 during Tech Ed class and it was in the shape of a thick badminton racquet. I insert the coins at the long end and it will roll down the handle and into the circular part. It was a very fun project and I still have it sitting on my bookshelf.

Do you like Chinese mythology?

Do you know which zodiac animal you are?

I will be writing a series of stories where I will talk about the twelve different Chinese zodiac animals. I will share some of my observations and fun facts about my friends and family that are born in those years.


Before adapting to the twenty-four-hour clock in western culture, in Ancient China, they used to divide a day into twelve periods. Each period is about two hours long and is named with the twelve earthly branches. When talking about the twelve zodiac animals, you will see the earthly branches written with the animals. Its purpose serves as a numerical number and also tells the time and date of the Lunar Calendar.

@Cats Coming / Pexels

Pig 亥猪 (hàizhū)

Pig is the twelfth animal in the twelve zodiacs. The Pig came in last because he got hungry and stopped to eat. When he was full, he took a nap and fell asleep. By the time he woke up and continued racing to the Heavenly Gate, he was the last one to arrive. Why am I not surprised at all?

Pig (zhū) is associated with the twelfth earthly branch (hài) which is from 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm. It is also in the last period of the day, which is very late in the evening. The Pig is known to be lazy, doesn’t like to exercise and just eats all day. That’s kind of like me sometimes though, when I’m so tired and exhausted after a long day. If I just sit around the house, my mom would call me lazy little pig.

@Dmitry Sidorov / Pexels

In ancient China, describing someone like a pig is actually saying that they are brave and courageous because of hunting practices. Wild boars are violent and hard to tame, so if a man is successful to catch a wild board with their bare hands, then they are super brave.

People who are born in the Year of the Pig (2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, etc.) are known to be diligent, compassionate, generous, easy-going, ambitious, broad-minded, modest and devoted.

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