The noble dragon

The dragon is the only animal in the twelve zodiacs that is a supernatural mythical creature. The other eleven animals exist in the world and we can see them in our everyday lives. The dragon is deeply rooted into Chinese culture and it is a symbol for power, nobleness, talent and luck.

Do you like Chinese mythology?

Do you know which zodiac animal you are?

I will be writing a series of stories where I will talk about the twelve different Chinese zodiac animals. I will share some of my observations and fun facts about my friends and family that are born in those years.


Before adapting to the twenty-four-hour clock in western culture, in Ancient China, they used to divide a day into twelve periods. Each period is about two hours long and is named with the twelve earthly branches. When talking about the twelve zodiac animals, you will see the earthly branches written with the animals. Its purpose serves as a numerical number and also tells the time and date of the Lunar Calendar.

@tillahrens / Pixabay

Dragon 辰龙 (chénlóng)

Dragon is the fifth animal in the twelve zodiacs.

Dragon (lóng) is associated with the fifth earthly branch (chén) which is from 7:00 am to 9:00 am.

In Ancient China, the dragon symbol is exclusively used by the emperor. No one else is allowed to use it on their clothing or say that they are on par to the dragon, because only the emperor can be called the son of the dragon. Even the royal family and the sons of the emperor can only have a dragon symbol with four claws and not five. The symbol of the five clawed dragon is restricted to be only used by the emperor. In Chinese mythology, the dragon is very powerful. They are capable to fly in the sky, swim in the sea, summon the wind and the rain.

@drscottwatson / Pixabay

People who are born in the Year of the Dragon (2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, etc.) are known to be intelligent, confident and ambitious. I have a friend that is born in the Year of the Dragon and she is very smart. She is so confident in life that I always ask her for advice when I’m struggling to make a decision. She motivates me in life and I always look up to her. We really go along together, and we have been great friends for a long time.

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