The lucky dog

Are you a dog person or a cat person?  Do you have a dog as a pet in your household? I wished I had one, but my parents would never agree to let me have a dog at home. Maybe I’ll get one in the future if I ever live on my own. Many of my friends have dogs and they are so cute and playful. When I’m scrolling on TikTok, I love seeing videos of dogs and cats doing all sorts of things and they are adorable. I guess the only way I can get a dose of cuteness is go over to my friend’s house and play with their dog.

@Pryscylla Olin / Pexels

Do you like Chinese mythology?

Do you know which zodiac animal you are?

I will be writing a series of stories where I will talk about the twelve different Chinese zodiac animals. I will share some of my observations and fun facts about my friends and family that are born in those years.


Before adapting to the twenty-four-hour clock in western culture, in Ancient China, they used to divide a day into twelve periods. Each period is about two hours long and is named with the twelve earthly branches. When talking about the twelve zodiac animals, you will see the earthly branches written with the animals. Its purpose serves as a numerical number and also tells the time and date of the Lunar Calendar.

@Chathura Anuradha Subasinghe / Pexels

Dog 戌狗 (xūgǒu)

Dog is the eleventh animal in the twelve zodiacs.

Dog (gǒu) is associated with the eleventh earthly branch (xū) which is from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm.

In Chinese culture, dogs are lucky animals. You would often see Chinese people name their dogs with names like Lucky, Fortune, Wealth and Prosperity. Chinese people love money. Dogs are very loyal too and they are often regarded as human’s best friend. In Chinese mythology, the legendary warrior Er-Lang from the heavenly kingdom has a guard dog. They are best buddies and partner in battle. Er-Lang’s dog will help him fight monsters and demons.

This is the trailer to a movie called “Yang Jian”, which is about the legendary warrior Er-Lang. You can see that he has his dog companion with him all along his adventure.

People who are born in the Year of the Dog (2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, etc.) are known to be loyal, honest, kind, communicative, brave, cautious, understanding, patient and reliable. Sometimes they could be selfish, but they are also well-versed when dealing with financial issues. Those born in the Year of the Dog are best with those born in the Year of the Tiger, Rabbit, Horse or Monkey.

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