The faithful horse

When was the last time you rode a horse? I remember when I was little, there was an attraction at the PNE to ride horses. It was very exciting and scary at the same time because I feared of falling off and getting stepped on. However, they were tamed so well and were so calm that I enjoyed the ride very much. I also went to a school camping trip in grade 5 and we got to ride horses around the forest. I remembered the horse that I rode on was named Blue. She was so beautiful and so calm.

Do you like Chinese mythology?

Do you know which zodiac animal you are?

I will be writing a series of stories where I will talk about the twelve different Chinese zodiac animals. I will share some of my observations and fun facts about my friends and family that are born in those years.


Before adapting to the twenty-four-hour clock in western culture, in Ancient China, they used to divide a day into twelve periods. Each period is about two hours long and is named with the twelve earthly branches. When talking about the twelve zodiac animals, you will see the earthly branches written with the animals. Its purpose serves as a numerical number and also tells the time and date of the Lunar Calendar.

@mamasoyfeo / Pexels

Horse 午马 (wǔmǎ)

Horse is the seventh animal in the twelve zodiacs. It was said that the Horse and the Goat were so polite that they let the others go ahead first, therefore they came in at seventh and eighth.

Horse (mǎ) is associated with the seventh earthly branch (wǔ) which is from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. The word “wǔ” also means “noon” in Chinese, which is around 12:00 pm of the day. Horse symbolizes faithfulness, speediness and nobleness. Horses have been used in battlefields, they protect their mankind partner with their life, they have great strengths and have unmatchable loyalty. In traditional Chinese culture, horse also represents a well-educated or honourable man.

@mhdhassouna / Pexels

People who are born in the Year of the Horse (2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, etc.) are known to be friendly, energetic, charming, sentimental, reliable, humorous and optimistic. I have a classmate that is born in the Year of the Horse, and she agrees that these are her characteristics. She says that she is sentimental and irritable at times, but she is reliable and always offer help to others in need. She is very friendly, and we work well with each other.

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