Festival of Learning: what does belonging mean to you?

“What does belonging mean to you?”

This is the theme of this year’s Burnaby Festival of Learning.

The Burnaby Festival of Learning is coming up next week, starting from Friday May 5th to Tuesday May 9th. It is a free event for the community, but registration is required for some of the community classroom activities. It gives an opportunity for the city to celebrate the diversity in the community and connect with others through different forms of learning.

“We believe that learning should be available to everyone, and that everyone has important knowledge to bring to the conversation, so all festival events are free.”

City of Burnaby

There are four types of learning styles; visual learners, auditory learners, kinesthetic learners or reading and writing learners. What type of learner are you?

I think that I’m a combination of visual and auditory learner. I like to see and hear how things are done and I can remember it better that way. If I am just reading something from a textbook, I don’t think the knowledge will stick to my brain when comparing to watching a video about that topic. But everyone learns a little different and as long as it works for them to retain the information, I think any type of learning is good learning.

@Katerina Holmes / Pexels

I also think you need to have the motivation to learn. Motivation comes from inspiration and that needs to be something that you like and enjoy. I used to go to Chinese school every Saturdays and I loved to learn the language. As the years progressed, many of my classmates dropped out because they lost motivation and didn’t like it anymore. At the end, there were only three students left in my class, and that was a little sad for me. But that proves that you really do need to be motivated for learning to be effective.

 “How we belong to our communities, our homes, our places, can have a profound effect on how we come together in order to solve today’s pressing challenges. In this time of increasing conflict, food insecurity and homelessness, come consider what it means to belong – to relations, to a place, a time, an idea – and explore how belonging shapes important parts of our lives: food, climate, reconciliation and home.”

City of Burnaby

Come and participate in this week-long event and explore the different activities. I’m sure there will be something worthwhile to learn.

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