Refuel by bouncing off the energy of others

Have you tried doing the personality test and learned more about yourself?

@Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

When discussing about being introverted or extroverted, it is common to think that there is a clear distinction on whether you like to be around people or not, but that is not the case because there are so many possibilities to a person’s personality. More importantly, personalities can change over time due to internal or external factors.

If you like to be around people, it doesn’t mean you can’t have introverted characteristics. On the other hand, if you like to have alone time, it doesn’t mean that you can’t be extroverted in other situations. I really feel that sometimes for myself in different situations because I just act different when I am with different groups of people. There isn’t a set line to separate one from the other, and many people fall at the middle of the spectrum and feel balanced for both sides.

@ElisaRiva / Pixabay

I had some very thoughtful and insightful discussion in Organizational Behaviour class this term and I have a totally different understanding of what it means to be introverted or extroverted. Being introverted doesn’t mean I only like to be by myself and hate being around people. But it suggests that I source my happiness and refuel myself by doing individual activities on my own. I can spend quality time doing hobbies that I like by myself and I don’t feel lonely at all. I enjoy playing with jigsaw puzzles or listening to Chinese audio dramas. These activities don’t require anyone else around me and I can enjoy it all alone. I don’t necessarily need to rely on others to make myself feel satisfied. When I am around other people, like my close friend circle, I enjoy being around them and talking to them. It is a good time for community and just to catch up on each other’s lives. I don’t dread being around people, but I will act differently when I am trying to socialize. The last time I did the personality test, I was about 65% introverted.

I have a friend who is the total opposite of me, she is extremely extroverted, and she really needs to have people around her to make her feel happy. She is also very attached to her little sister, and she can get very emotional if her sister is not with her. In her case, spending time by herself is not as effective than meeting with people, in terms of how she recharges her energy level. It is easier for her to bounce off the emotions and energy of other people to make herself be more content about her day.

@Ashford Marx / Pexels

Are you introverted or extroverted?

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