Metallica Released New Album 72 Seasons and Will Include ASL in the videos ASL in the videos of the Album

Throughout the years Metallica has been one of the most influential bands in music. Formed in 1981 in Los Angeles, Ca. by James Hetfield and Lars Ulrich. Like Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer, Metallica is one of the pioneer bands in Thrash Metal.

Metallica has been formed since its inception by James Hetfield (vocals and guitar), Lars Ulrich (drums). Kirk Hammett (lead guitar) joins the band after the departure of Dave Mustaine and Dave Trujillo who is currently part of the band as bassist. During this time, the band has had other members such as Ron McGovney, who spent a year with the band and Cliff Burton (1964-1986), who died at the age of 24 during a tour in Europe with the band and Jason Newsted who was part of the band until the early 2000’s.

During these 40 years of career, Metallica has matured and perfected the way of playing music like him and endless tours around the globe. As well as nominations and awards for their songs. This is thanks to the work in the studio and his 11 studio albums that have captivated and hooked his fans since his first album, which was Kill ‘Em All in 1983, followed by Ride The Lighting, Master Of Puppets, … And Justice For All, Metallica, Load and Reload, St. Anger, Death Magnetic, Hardwired… To Self-Destruct.


Thibault Trillet /

In 2022 it was the release of his new album called “72 Seasons” that has caused a great sensation among the audience. In April 2023 Metallica announces that every video on this record will contain ASL, making Metallica the first band to incorporate and create ASL video versions of an entire album using deaf, hard of hearing and hearing performers.


Metallica celebrated the release of the album and shared it with various radio stations in cities around the world, including Vancouver and Kamloops of this project of more than 77 minutes of music they also shared stories about the work they did on the new album and what has happened. with the band in recent years.

Metallica also unveiled its tour that bears the name M72 World Tour 2023/4 where several cities in Canada are on the list, however, and very unfortunately for us, Vancouver is not on the list of cities for the concerts.


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