Show your natural beauty

Ladies, it’s National No Makeup Day today!

Let your skin take a break to have some rest and relaxation. It is a time for you to embrace your natural beauty. Why not take a day off from your skin beauty routine? You should feel confident about yourself even without makeup.

@Monstera / Pexels

It all started out in the United States of America in 2011 as a way to let people have an opportunity to show off their natural skin. When a lot of people do something together then there is less awkwardness and it actually bumps up the confidence level because everyone is the same. Everyone is beautiful in their own way.

I think that putting on makeup is not to cover up what is bad, you should never think that negatively about yourself. I just feel that it isn’t always a good thing to constantly rely on cosmetics. Personally, I never put on makeup, I go out bare-faced every day and that’s fine for me. The only time that I would put on a little bit of makeup is if there is an important event for celebration, but even then, I don’t feel comfortable with all the products on my face.

I remember when I was getting ready for my high school graduation event, my mom was helping me with my makeup and I was freaking out. I was nervous when she put all these products on my face and I dodged her quite a few times when she tried putting lipstick on me. I was just too scared because I’m not used to all of this.

@Anna Shvets / Pexels]

The hashtag “No Makeup” started to get very popular over social media in the last few years and many people started posting and sharing content with this hashtag. In 2014, there was a campaign from the United Kingdom for cancer research that had people post on social media with the hashtag “No Makeup Selfie” to raise money. Women in the UK tagged friends and nominated each other to post selfies on Facebook and Twitter. It was a big trend that year and they raised over 8 million Pound sterling for Cancer Research UK.

There are many other ways of celebrating National No Makeup Day. You can go out for a nature walk or hike somewhere and enjoy the peacefulness and quietness around you. Breathe in some fresh air and just appreciate nature. You can sit somewhere comfy and read a book by yourself. You could experiment and try a different hairstyle that you’ve never done before. Pamper yourself and treat yourself with a spa, massage or facial.

I challenge you go all natural and take lots of selfies today!

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