Gerry Dee is coming to Vancouver to show that laughter is the best medicine

Everyone needs a laugh or two nowadays. Comedians are the best when it comes to providing laughter in an on-stage atmosphere.

If you’ve never been to a comedy show before, one of the best in the business, Gerry Dee is coming to Vancouver tomorrow night at the Bell Performing Arts Centre in Surrey. The show kicks off at 8:00 pm and the tickets range from $50-150. As someone who’s never been to a comedy show before, the price to laughs ratio seems to be worth it.

(Bell Performing Arts Centre)

Never heard of Gerry Dee before? He’s been around the TV and comedy industry for over two decades now and there’s a lot to talk about with this talented man. Gerry has hosted one of my favourite tv game shows when I was younger, Family Feud Canada. The comedian is probably most recognizable from his award-winning sitcom show “Mr. D”. If you need a show to make you laugh, Mr. D (a wacky and bizarre teacher played by Gerry Dee) is perfect for you.

Gerry Dee is taking the road across Canada this spring with his “Best Medicine Tour 2023”. The trademark topics that are relatable to his audience include marriage, fatherhood and stories about the years when he was an actual (not on tv) teacher in several cities around Canada.

(Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto)

My question for people who may have attended a comedy show in the past is: what is the atmosphere like in the theatre? When I try to picture what a comedy show would look, sound and feel like I can’t help but thinking that not everything you would hear throughout the show would make you laugh.

That leads to me to think of how I would compare consuming comedy on my own versus how I would be engaged in a comedy show with a live audience. There seems to be a side of me that thinks that some of the laughter at these shows is “artificial”. What do I mean by artificial? Well I think that the crowd sometimes forces their laughter because of how others react to the jokes being told.

(Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio)

Either way, whether your laughter is genuine or not, it truly is the best medicine for making you feel better. A good laugh or even just a smile can make your day that much better, and when the source of that laughter comes from a professional like Gerry Dee, it surely will create a memorable experience.

Remember to have a laugh today, the world is full of this feel-good response to humour.

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