Semi-pro soccer team TSS Rovers pull off an upset win nobody saw coming!

Everyone loves a good upset story in sports. Burnaby’s semi-pro soccer team TSS Rovers just did that. The Rovers became the first semi-professional team to beat a professional Canadian Premier League or MLS club in the Canadian Championship tournament.

What makes their victory so important is not just having the team in the spotlight, but it gives the players a chance to work towards finding jobs on pro soccer clubs.

The TSS Rovers defeated Valour FC on April 19th by a score of 3 to 1. It was a magical night at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby as the Rovers secured their spot in the next round of the Canadian Championship. Matteo Polisi was the player who helped carry the Rovers to victory as he scored twice against Winnipeg’s Valour FC.

It’s important to reiterate this, but this was the very first time a semi-pro team has defeated a pro team in this competition, which is quite an accomplishment. The Rovers are made up of players who are either looking to work their way up to the pro leagues or just players who have regular jobs and are playing for the fun of it.

(City of Burnaby – Swangard Stadium)

The scene at Swangard Stadium was an incredible experience for the Rovers players as they played in front of one of the largest crowds at this stadium since the days the Whitecaps used to play there. The game itself was entertaining as well, as the Rovers battled throughout and highlighted the skills which led them to a fair and deserving win.

Next up for the Rovers? The winners of the Pacific-Cavalry match. The team is happy they’ve gotten this far, but they’re excited to be seen as giant underdogs again in the next round. You can’t help but feel good for this team, because it’s not every day a semi-pro team gets to hop into the spotlight and make the news around the country.

If you had to describe the Rovers’ experience in a few words, I’d say you could call it “an opportunity that they believed in and achieved by showing they belonged”. Every time you hear a story like this one it brings a sense of national pride that gets tied to the overall sports experience.

The Rovers unexpected victory is a reminder to everyone that the unthinkable CAN happen, you just have to believe and give whatever it is you’re doing your best effort!


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