The Express Fall Two Games To The Chiefs

The Coquitlam Express faced off against the Chilliwack Chiefs in game two of the potential seven game playoff series last night at the Train Station. While this game may have been a home game for the Express, it was anything but a home advantage as the two teams battled it out in the stands and on the ice to advance their chances in the series.

The Express lost the first game to the Chiefs the night before in a game that was never really close. Final score 4-1 for the Chiefs.

The Express came out with a new eagerness in game two though as they looked to battle back and tie the series.

While the first period saw no goals, a few very important things were established; Chilliwack fans were going to be loud and proud for their team the entire night as they brought a army of fans with them to the Train Station. These teams do not like each other, and would be going back and forth with penalties and fights the entire night. Lastly, the Express needed this win and they knew it, as going down two zero in the start of a series is never ideal.

Period two kicked off with a goal from Mateo Dixon for the Express. The Chiefs battled back fast though as they scored two consecutive goals to take the lead heading into the third period.

With just four minutes left in the third period the Express needed to make something happen and they did. Tyler Kopff scored for the Express and skated right over to Chilliwack section to showboat. Regulation ended in a tie and the game went to overtime.

The Chiefs were too fast for the Express in overtime though as they quickly scored to win the game. The Chiefs fans in attendance went crazy and Express fans were extremely disappointed.

Final score 3-2 for the Chiefs.

This game was extremely important for the Express to win as they now head to Chilliwack for the next two games. They’ll be in enemy territory now, down two games so many fans are predicting last night was the last time we see this Express team play for the season.

The Express play the Chiefs April 4th on the road.

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