Canucks VS Maple Leafs Street Fight!

The Vancouver Canucks defeated the Toronto Maple Leafs Saturday night in a dominant victory! However, the action continued after the game when fans of both teams got into a brawl on Granville Street!

The first period of the game started out with some back and forth action and a huge fight between new Maple Leafs signee Jake McCabe and Tyler Myers. Both men hit the ice after dropping the gloves but Myers definitely got the better of the exchange!

The fight must have inspired fans after the game as multiple fans got into a street fight on Granville street.

The video is difficult to follow but it seems two fans get into it punching each other back and forth and they fight off camera. Another fight breaks out though as a fan spears another fan to the ground and the two start trading blows on the ground. A man comes in to break the fight up by placing his knee on one of the mens head and pulls them apart.

This is unfortunate to see and brings back 2011 playoff riot vibes. Let’s hope circumstances like these don’t continue between sports fans in the future.

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