Quinn Hughes Breaks Assists Record!

Quinn Hughes just broke the record for the fastest defenceman in National Hockey League (NHL) history to reach two hundred career assists.


Quinn Hughes is a hockey player on the Vancouver Canucks that has quite a promising career ahead of him. Hughes has been with the Canucks for nearly five years now and has been considered for rookie of the year, defenceman of the year and player of the year. Hughes has massive star potential and is going to go down in the history books as one of the greats some day.

Last night Hughes made history though by becoming the fastest defenceman in NHL history to reach two hundred career assists! This achievement was reached after Hughes amazing slap shot that Kuzmenko was able to tip in on Saturday night.

Quinn Hughes reached this accomplishment in just two hundred and sixty-three games. The best part about this record breaking performance is that Hughes beat the previous record that was held by Brian Leetch by just one single game.

While the Canucks won’t be making history as a team anytime soon it’s nice to see Quinn Hughes cement his name in the record books!

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