The Elimination Chamber In Canada Shatters Records!

World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) held the Elimination Chamber event last Saturday night in Montreal. The matches were incredible from the top to the bottom of the card and the main event delivered after being built up for over a year. All those reasons are what caused the Elimination Chamber event to make history for the WWE.

The Elimination Chamber is a unique event where competitors are locked into a steel cage to fight each other. Two competitors start in the middle of the steel cage while the rest start in pods. Every few minutes a random superstar is released from the pod to enter the fight. The last superstar in the elimination chamber is the winner.

With this intriguing concept the Elimination Chamber usually does pretty well when it comes to viewership, revenue, and gate.

This Elimination Chamber event set new records for the pay per view (PPV) though.

The event was the most viewed Elimination Chamber in WWE history, saw the all time Elimination Chamber gate record, had the most merchandise sales in Elimination Chamber history, and had the most views on social media in Elimination Chamber history, up roughly 310% from 2022.

Why was the Elimination Chamber so special this year? The event has the steel cage every single year so it’s not like the WWE was bringing anything super new to the table. The answer is quite simple though. Sami Zayn.

Sami was finally given a title shot after building up his feud with Roman Reigns for over a year now! He wasn’t just given a title shot anywhere though, Sami was given a title shot in front of his hometown crowd in Montreal. The fans loved every second of watching him compete and put on a show. While Sami may have lost the fight, he won the fans hearts and helped set all these record for the WWE Elimination Chamber event.

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