Canada Loves Sami Zayn!

Sami Zayn may not have left the Elimination Chamber with the title belts last night, but he still owns the hearts of all World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) fans, especially in his hometown of Montreal.

Sami Zayn took on Roman Reigns last night when the Elimination Chamber event came to Montreal. Sami was looking to do the impossible and beat the champion Roman Reigns. Roman had been un beaten in 900 days though, and it was unlikely he would lose to Sami Zayn last night.

The Montreal WWE fans didn’t care though. When Sami Zayn’s entrance music hit the crowd lost their mind.

It’s been awhile since Sami Zayn had his old theme song but when the nostalgic song came on and Sami started to make his entrance the entire arena started to sing along to his very catchy theme.

You could see that Sami Zayn was overcome with emotion for just a few seconds, and he took it all in. Then Sami used the crowds energy to fuel him, and he charged down to the ring to face off against the Tribal Chief Roman Reigns.

The match was a very close one with Sami losing due to interference from the USOs. As the Bloodline started to beat Sami down once again, Kevin Owens came to Sami’s aid. The two best friends and hometown hero’s beat up the Bloodline much to the satisfaction of the Montreal crowd.

It could have been a missed opportunity for the WWE to not book Sami winning the titles last night, but Sami Zayn is still a superstar, especially in his hometown of Montreal.

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