Hero Academy And The Vancouver Jiu Jitsu League Aim For Inclusivity!

The Vancouver Jiu Jitsu League (VJJL) is good for growth in the community.

The VJJL is a event started by Matt Kwan, a well known local jiu jitsu coach and competitor. The event is a monthly competition where competitors can be booked for super fights and come out to test their skills. You can read PT.1 of the VJJL here:

Vancouver Jiu Jitsu League Is What The Community Needs!

The most recent event for the VJJL was hosted at a relatively new gym in North Vancouver. Hero Academy opened its doors close to a year ago and has been growing in popularity since. Owner and head coach of Hero Academy Meego Yassin said inclusivity was very important to him and his partner when opening this gym:

“We (my partner Jaime and I) were motivated to create an academy (space) that provides a safe space to learn martial arts for all walks of life, with a focus on under represented communities: women, children and adaptive athletes. We wanted to change the stereo type around martial arts academies, which can be somewhat toxic and intimidating and create a space that is welcoming, supportive and accessible.“


When presented with the opportunity to host the next VJJL event at his gym, Meego quickly accepted. It’s important to Meego that these events take place so that athletes from all different backgrounds have the chance to showcase their skills:

“We think VJJL is a great way for athletes to get experience before an actual tournament, and it helps grow and unite the JiuJitsu community in the lower mainland.

It has introduced the sport to a lot of young (kids and teen) athletes, and gives them a chance to showcase their skills without the pressure of an actual tournament.  Our (personal) hope is that it will continue to open up the sport to more female athletes as well as adaptive athletes (we have both a blind athlete and a paraplegic athlete who will be partaking later in the year).”


Hero Academy and the rest of the VJJL are great examples of what the rest of the world should strive to be. A community where all are welcomed and everyone is treated equally.

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