Why It’s Important For Local Events To Support Pride!

The Coquitlam express hockey team hosted their first ever pride night last night.

The event was a great success, with the team and multiple fans showing their support for the night.

Among the fans in attendance was Minister of Post Secondary Education Selina Robinson. Selina talked about why it’s important local events and sports teams support pride:

“When we talk about inclusivity we need to recognize that their is people that are still not yet included. We need to recognize that their are still people who get ostracized or excluded or have hate directed at them because of who they love.”

In a community that prides itself on being so accepting, it’s a sad reality that this is sometimes still the case.

Selina was very adamant about why members of our community should be coming out to more local pride events:

“Anytime you have a public community event that says let’s celebrate these people, you come out and celebrate those people.”

Also in attendance was Matt Djonlic, Coquitlam City Councillor. He also stated that it’s important for the community to show we are inclusive and that everyone belongs:

“It’s about showing we’re an inclusive community, especially in the case of hockey and other sports, and anything in our community. It’s for everyone. And when we show and celebrate pride we’re saying that if you’re of the LGBTQ+ community, this is still your community, it’s still your game, this is your city. You’re welcome here.”

These two important people in our community, as well as multiple other public figures of the community coming out to show their support, is a positive sign for our community.

Charlene (pictured above) is a Coquitlam Express super fan was also very happy that the team was showing support for pride and summed up why our community needs to show support more often perfectly:

“Love is love.”

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