Phone storage is getting better these days

You’re taking a video on your phone. As you’re about to capture that perfect moment, you get that dreadful notification. “Your device storage is running out,” it says. Not only did you not get that perfect moment you’re going to forget, but you also now need to start deleting things off your device. You have too many pictures of your dog running around. You also have videos of you and your significant other doing things on your anniversary. This would never be a problem if you had more storage.

I almost ran out of storage one time. I once went out with a couple of friends and decided to record parts of it. I ended up recording enough footage that there were only 3 gigabytes left on my phone. It was 30 minutes worth of footage, shot in 4k, and my phone had 16 gigabytes with no way of adding storage with an SD card.

You might think about using cloud saves and you’re absolutely right. My family all shared an iCloud account (except me because I’m on Android) and they would fill that drive to oblivion. I’m not sure how long they’ve been using it but let’s just say they only had to start deleting things off the drive to make more room. I want to find flaws in this but I can’t. Having a lot of storage that’s accessible from anywhere is one of the best things in the world. Even I use my Google Drive a lot for school and other things.

We’ve come a long way since having to store things on floppy disks, flash drives, and other forms of external storage. We’re all in for having access to a lot of storage whenever we want. Maybe in the future, it won’t cost money to have more than 15 gigabytes of storage.

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