Canadian WWE Superstar Could Be Champion!

Kevin Owens has a chance to win the WWE championship this Sunday at the Royal Rumble.

The Canadian born wrestler started wrestling at the young age of 16, and immediately stood out from the rest of the competition.

He put in his time on the local scenes and worked his way up to NXT where he became a huge star, due to his feud with fellow Canadian and best friend Sami Zayn.

When Kevin Owens was promoted to the WWE, he soared to popularity, winning the Universal championship very early in his career, and having multiple popular gimmicks, including a popular run with Canadian star Chris Jericho. After he lost the Universal title though his career took a temporary decline and Owens path steered away from the main event scene for a couple years.

Now Kevin Owens is back in the spotlight though and has a chance to win the WWE championship this Sunday at the Royal Rumble, against the tribal chief Roman Reigns.

Kevin has been feuding with Roman for a few months now. The feud stemmed from Sami Zayn joining the bloodline, and betraying his best friend Kevin Owens once again to prove his allegiance to the bloodline. Owens main goal at the start of the feud was to get his best friend back, but now Owens has his sights set on the championship.

It’ll be a tough task for Owens to win the championship this Sunday, as Roman hasn’t lost in 879 days. Canadian fans will be willing him on though as its been a long time since we had a Canadian champion.

Watch the WWE Royal Rumble this Sunday to see if Kevin Owens can win the WWE championship!

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