Juice will stay in our fridges

Today is Green Juice Day. You either think green juice is disgusting or you think it’s the best thing in the world. Sometimes you only like it when it’s sweet. Either way, green juice is a part of things people drink on a regular basis.

My first experience with green juice was with Naked. It was on sale at Costco so my parents thought it was a good idea to buy a pack. I immediately tried the green drink which was the most interesting out of all the other drinks. I didn’t know what to expect from it, but it was sweeter than I anticipated. I drank it until we ran out of the flavour. I remember wanting more but we couldn’t get it again because it was no longer on sale. It was honestly for the best that we didn’t get it anymore. That drink was full of sugar and did not have any real health benefits.

Other juices like apple or orange juice are better anyways. Apple juice is a staple of our childhoods. You either had parents that bought apple juice or it was given out during hot lunch days during elementary school. I never had it in my house so getting it during elementary school was a treat. We always had orange juice in the house instead. I drank that stuff religiously, sometimes more than water which is concerning. I don’t know what lead me to not drink as much juice. Maybe it was me wanting to drink more water. Or it was my parents not buying it one day with no one questioning it. We have been getting it again lately, but not to the same extent as we did back in the day.

Juice is a wonderful drink, whether that would be green juice or a normal drink. They will be a staple in our households for generations to come.

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