Jake Paul’s Jiu Jitsu Isn’t Great

Jake Paul has officially signed a contract with one of the best MMA promotions in the world… and just had his first Jiu jitsu lesson.


I wrote an article earlier today about how Jake signed this MMA contract and we hadn’t even seen him train any real Jiu jitsu or wrestling yet. You can read that article here:

How Will Jake Paul Do In MMA?

Right after I released that article, Jake treated us to some short photos and videos of his very first Jiu jitsu session ever.

In the first video you see that Jake is practicing his top game and fighting for a cross face. But his movements just seem awkward and forced. Theirs ways to open up a cross face that Jiu jitsu practitioners know, but Jake just try’s to squeeze his arm in hoping for the best.

In the second video you see Jake starting out defending a single leg, then clearing his leg and circling to the back of his opponent. While this is a nice move his partner doesn’t seem to be offering him much resistance. Even in a practice situation you need to be feeling some pressure, so that you’re able to apply the move to a live scenario. Jakes partner doesn’t seem to be doing that here.

Overall for his first ever Jiu jitsu practice Jake looked good, but by no means is he at the level of any of his colleagues in the PFL yet. Jakes going to run into some serious problems in MMA if he cant fix this fast!

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