“Bruce There It Is”

Canucks fans broke out a new chant tonight for the Canucks head coach Bruce Boudreau.

This chant is the result of some shifty backstage decisions being made by the higher ups in the Canucks organization. Rumour has it that Bruce Boudreau will be replaced any day now and a new replacement head coach has already been signed.

Bruce implied that he is by no means shocked at this news;

“I’d be a fool to say I don’t know what’s going on.”

Bruce then started to choke up a little and said;

“But like I said before, you come to work and you realize how great the game is.”

While the Canucks may suck, it certainly isn’t Bruce Boudreau’s fault that the team can’t seem to put together a win.

Bruce was given a disastrous team halfway through last year and told to make it work. Theirs not a coach in the league that could turn around the dumpster fire that is the Vancouver Canucks in the time he was given.

The fact that higher ups in the Canucks seem to think firing their head coach is going to save all their problems, shows you exactly what’s wrong with this organization and why the Vancouver Canucks will never win a Stanley cup.

The Canucks lost 4-1 tonight against the Avalanche and play against the Oilers tomorrow night at home.

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