The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 3

Dillon Danis was at one point in his life regarded as one of the best Jiu Jitsu grapplers in the world, a promising MMA star, and huge draw in the youtube boxing world.

In this three part series I’ll be covering the rise and fall of Dillon Danis. If you haven’t yet read part 1 and 2 click the link and read those stories first:

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 1

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 2

After years of talking trash on the internet to everybody and anyone who would take the bait, a certain community finally talked back to Dillon.

The fast rising youtube boxing community had been called out by Danis on multiple occasions and he was noticed by a few of the bigger names. Jake Paul, Logan Paul, and KSI all took interest in a potential match with Danis and a fight was eventually announced for Danis and KSI on January 14th 2023.

This fight had enormous hype behind it. Dillon did multiple interviews online and one of them gained massive traction and popularity. Many questioned if Dillon would show up to the fight though when he stated in this interview that he didn’t have a coach yet.

“I just don’t trust anybody.” Said Danis.

Not having a coach three weeks out from one of the biggest pay days of your life is not the brightest move someone could make. Regardless Danis said that despite this fact he would still be showing up to the fight.

Just a few days after Danis did this interview he pulled out of the fight. Sources say he just wasn’t ready and underprepared.

Not being ready to fight a YouTube personality when you’re a professional fighter is truly embarrassing for Dillon Danis.

So far in this 3 part series we’ve gone over Dillons jiu jitsu career, MMA career, and potential boxing career. When Dillon announced that he pulled out of this fight it was the last straw for these 3 communities, and they all banded together to name Dillon “the wet fart of combat sports.”

 Dillon started out with one of the most promising careers a fighter coming up through the ranks could have. He was given every single opportunity imaginable and found a way to mess up every single one.

Dillon Danis’s situation can only be summed up by one word. Disaster.

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