The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 2

Dillon Danis was at one point in his life regarded as one of the best Jiu Jitsu grapplers in the world, a promising MMA star, and huge draw in the youtube boxing world.

In this 3 part series I’ll be covering the rise and fall of Dillon Danis. If you haven’t read part 1 click the link and read that story first:

The Dillon Danis Disaster Part 1

After joining forces with Conor McGregor Dillon Danis’s popularity increased and he started to focus on the MMA world, leaving jiu jitsu in the past.

But the singular moment that made Dillon Danis’s popularity and career potential skyrocket was coaching Conor in the Khabib fight. The fight played out pretty one sided and the eventual result was Khabib tapping Conor out.

But Khabib didn’t stop there.

He jumped over the fence and went straight for Dillon. The two got into a all out brawl and the whole stadium was in chaos.

Dillon gained millions of followers as a result of this.

Everyone wanted to know who this jiu jitsu coach was that Khabib wanted to fight so bad. Bellator MMA reached out to Dillon Danis to see if he wanted to fight for them and signed him to a very large contract. Speculation is that it’s the biggest contract for an 0-0 fighter in MMA history.

Dillon had two fights with Bellator winning both by submission in the first round. This was no surprise to anyone who knew Dillon, and it showed that his years with Marcelo Garcia had paid off.

Then Dillon started to have knee issues. He was forced to have two surgeries in just a few months and was out for a long time to recover.

In this time Dillon decided to become a twitter fighter though. He would tweet multiple times a day what fighters he would beat in a fight, how hes the greatest of all time, and how nobody’s ever going to beat him.

This is usual stuff for fighters to say but not fighters who are 2-0 and haven’t fought in years. The MMA community turned on Dillon and tons of fighters spoke publicly about how they wanted to “shut him up.”

Dillon Danis hasn’t fought in 3 years now and many question if he will ever fight again in MMA.

Boxing was fully on the table for Dillon though.

We will cover Dillons youtube boxing career in part 3 of The Dillon Danis Disaster.

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