Canucks Inability to Hold On To A Lead Costs Them Another Game

The Canucks inability to hold on to a lead has been the downfall of this team multiple times this season.

When the Canucks went up 3-0 in the first 8 minute of their game against Pittsburg last night, they seemed almost unstoppable. Vancouver Canucks fans could finally assume their team was going to win a game, and I don’t blame them. How could a team possibly go up by 3 in the first period of the game and still lose?

Don’t worry folks, the Canucks will find a way to blow it.

Vancouver allowed 5 unanswered goals in a row, and ended up losing the game 5-4.

Canucks fans keep having to ask themselves, how did this happen? And I think the players and coaching staff are probably asking the same thing! The Canucks seem to have all the makings of a great team with star players up and down the ice. But they cant seem to put their potential together to win a game. One youtube comment from the attached video sums this up well:

“I see a bunch of players but no team.”

The stats back up that this does seem to be part of the issue. The Canucks have the 4th most goals scored in the NHL this season! But on the other side of that stat, Canucks have let the 3rd most goals in this season. Theirs a whole lot of people on the team who have the capability to get the puck in the net. But when it comes to defensive efforts as a team, and moving the puck down the ice together it seems the Canucks are largely lacking in that department.

Lets hope that this Vancouver team and coaching staff can fix this teams issues in the near future.

The Canucks face the Lightning tomorrow night on the road.

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