Cleaning Desks and Visual Satisfaction

Yesterday was National Clean Off Your Desk Day, which was probably something a lot of us weren’t going to celebrate. Besides, when was the last time any of us actually cleaned off our desks with our busy lives taking over our responsibilities?

Check out my desk for example. There’s dust everywhere, tangled cables, and other stuff I don’t have any use for. Don’t even get me started with the inside of my desk drawer. That thing is filled with papers and even more junk. So what gives? Why can’t my desk be clean? I think it has something to do with my mindset. When I look at it, I just see a small space that’s cluttered rather than a full room. My mind just says “Eh, it’s no big deal. I don’t think I need to actually clean this right now. I can deal with it tomorrow.” Except for the fact that I’m at my desk a lot.

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So how do I deal with it? From time to time, I will start moving things around just so then it looks “clean” when in reality it just makes my eyes feel satisfied. The problem doesn’t get fixed in the process, just delayed. The next day, the mess would still be there.

I think knowing this holiday exists is making me think about how much better my life would be if my workspace is clean. I’m not talking about an entire cleansing, but at least taking care of things better, putting things away when I’m done, and other things that would declutter my desk. The next time I have something on my desk, I should think to myself whether it’s necessary to have it there or not. If yes, then it can go into my drawer. If not, I should put it somewhere else.

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