Baggy Clothing: It’s Back, And Why it’s Great

I am incredibly grateful for the pandemic. Thank you COVID for bringing back baggy and loose clothes. Especially pants. Thank you for finally pushing skinny jeans out of style. Thank the fashion gods!

Now, I wouldn’t say that I’m a particularly trendy person because I tend to dress in a very simple style. For me, clothes have to be functional above all else. If it isn’t comfortable and if I can’t move around without accidentally flashing someone, it’s not going in the closet. Some other girl will like you, mini-skirt, but not me.

Even though I don’t care much for trends, I am super happy that I can wear boot cut jeans and flared pants again without sticking out like a sore thumb.

Gilmore Girls on

So, in celebration of this miraculous turn of events in the fashion world, here are a few reasons why baggy clothes are the best

  1. Nobody can tell you just ate a huge cheeseburger for lunch

Its true that I love trailer park boys, but I don’t really want to look like Randy. The fact that oversized sweatshirts are popular right now is great, because if you happen to be on a strict cheeseburger diet, nobody will ever know. Undo the top button of your jeans and let your food baby free! (But hidden by the oversized sweatshirt, of course).

  1. You can pretend you’re in a grunge band

It’s the 90’s and you live in Seattle… ok you live in Vancouver but whatever, it’s close enough. Grunge is on the rise, have you heard of this band called Nirvana? They dress like they aren’t famous, like they don’t care. Not like those hair metal bands in the 80’ with all that tight neon spandex. Yuck. Dressing like you don’t care is cool. Playing guitar in the biggest pair of jeans you’ve ever seen is awesome.


  1. It’s just comfortable

What is the point of torturing yourself with tight clothing when you’re working from home anyway? Yeah, your boss might want you to “look professional” on the zoom meeting, but let’s face it, you are still going to wear your favourite pair of cargo sweatpants.

So, what about it? Do you love the baggy clothing trend as much as I do?

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