Sedin twins, Luongo Inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame

It was a nostalgic Monday night for hockey fans as the hockey hall of fame inducted three beloved Canucks players. The Sedin brothers and Roberto Luongo reminisced and joked about their memories as they delivered speeches at the ceremony in Toronto yesterday evening.

The Sedin twins took playful jabs at each other during their speeches. Being called to the podium first, Daniel took the moment with a quip to remind his brother that he was also selected first for the 1999 NHL entry draft. Despite the jokes, by the end of his speech Daniel was thanking Henrik for being a “calming influence” in both his life on and off the ice. He even admitted that he thought Henrik was a better player than him!

Henrik matched his brothers jabs with a few of his own when it was his time to take the stage, telling the audience that “Henrik at 70 percent is a lot better than Daniel at 100” in reference to the fact that he was recovering from a bout of COVID.

Luongo’s speech was a bit more family focused. He recounted his formative hockey years and how being away from his family so often was strange, given that in Italian culture children often don’t leave the home until they are married. An especially heart warming moment was when he thanked his grandmother for obliging him when he was young and playing makeshift goalie so he could shoot pucks at her.


All three players also took the time to thank and mention their former team mates.

Luongo shouted out his fellow Canucks goaltender Cory Schneider for being “an awesome guy” as well as Danny Sabourin who momentarily relieved him of his duties during a playoff game back in 2007 when he had some uhhh… bowel issues.

The Sedin brothers made sure to mention Alex burrows as being one of their biggest inspirations, especially early on, and highlighted that despite their language differences, their were able to intuitively communicate and coordinate on the ice.

All in all, it was a night to remember and a great opportunity for Canucks fans to rejoice and have something to celebrate. The Team may not be thriving as much as it once did, but the memories sure are. 

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