How Different Music Genres Make Me Feel

Whenever I don’t want to think too much about the world around me, I like to listen to some tunes. From the moment I listened to my first song, I always needed something to listen to make me feel better. Music is a universal language that anyone will understand. Even if it’s in another language, there will be something that someone will connect with. Then there are the various genres that provide people with their taste. It’s never just one genre that helps me get through the day. Classical, jazz, and metal are probably the best genres that help me get going. All three of these genres are different from each other but all provide a similar goal; to make me relaxed in various ways.

Classical music is the typical genre that people consider calm. You mostly associate it with pieces like Peer Gynt by Edvard Grieg (better known as Morning Mood) or Fur Elise by Beethoven. However, I also think that intense pieces like The Planets Suite by Gustav Holst or Gustav Mahler’s 1st symphony (specifically the fourth movement) are also calming despite the intensity. There’s something about the rich sound of the brass that gives me a sense of triumph which is necessary for me to feel like a winner. I’ve been to my fair share of classical music concerts and it does a great job of making me feel relaxed. Sometimes, it can be a little too good at doing it. There were two times when I almost fell asleep, and both times were during cello concertos. There’s something soothing about the sound of the cello that makes it perfect to sleep to. Simply piano melodies are also great at putting me to sleep. I fell asleep on road trips a few times just from hearing a piano. Even modern classical music works. The works of Frank Ticheli and Eric Whitacre are easily some of the best things that light up my mood. Some pieces that I recommend to lighten your mood would be Lux Aurumque by Eric Whitacre, Earth Song by Frank Ticheli, and Mahler’s 1st Symphony.

Jazz is another one where the entire range works for my lifestyle. When I need to cool down, I’ll listen to a ballad like Crystal Silence by Chick Corea. Or if I need intensity to counteract I’ll listen to something like Moment’s Notice by John Coltrane or Teen Town by Weather Report. I’m attracted to things that get interesting in a short amount of time and jazz is the perfect genre for that. There’s something satisfying about a sudden change that just makes my brain go bananas in a fun way. There’s nothing spicier than a nice little surprise change in a piece. The melodies that are coming out of the brass can’t fail to make anyone feel lively. Then there’s the rhythm section. Whether that would be the piano and/or guitar playing spicy chords or the bass and/or percussion laying down the groove, there’s always something to get you moving. Jazz compositions that I recommend to get you moving or relaxing would be Hang Gliding by Maria Schneider, Moment’s Notice by John Coltrane, and Windows by Chick Corea.

Finally, there’s metal. It’s not a genre that most people would think of as relaxing but they have no idea how great it actually works. Metal is mostly about aggression which makes it the perfect outlet for someone to direct their anger. I notice that I always calm down whenever I listen to metal. And I’m not talking about some lame pop metal. I’m talking about anything where the guitars sound like chainsaws and the vocals sound like a tasmanian devil. It’s kind of like how people like horror movies. There are people that like a good adrenaline rush and metal (at least the faster subgenres like death, black, or thrash metal) is pretty at giving people a way to express that. When I get that rush, all of a sudden I feel like my negativity goes away. I guess I like actually hearing brutality than letting it coop up until I let my rage out when it was clearly inappropriate. There’s also stuff that makes me feel majestic like power and symphonic metal. The operatic epicness mixed with the energy of metal essentially became a drug to me to the point where I have to listen to it otherwise my day would become an absolute dumpster. Some songs I would recommend to meet this expectation include The Violation by Fleshgod Apocalypse, Hate Über Alles by Kreator, and Slaughter Of The Soul by At The Gates.

So what do all three genres give me in general? They give me something that feels like an escape from the outside world. The music that’s mainstream such as pop, rap, and hip-hop started moulding itself into the world to the point where I just associate it with everyday life. When I listen to pop radio, it just reminds me of going to school as a child. I don’t like being reminded of how bad elementary and high school were for me and pop was the soundtrack for that. Hip-hop and rap also remind me of people that were obnoxious and gym class which makes me anxious. The last thing I want music to do for me is to make me feel scared about what’s coming up. Music is supposed to make me calm and for music to make me feel anxious feels insulting to me. The three genres I talked about aren’t too mainstream which makes it easier for me to escape into my own little world. Classical is there to give me a journey and feel like I’m on top of the world. Jazz is there to make me feel lively and feel like a little kid. Metal is there to take out my negativity and make me feel like there’s someone for me.

Music is the one constant in my life that I will never let go away. It gives me a lot of happiness and is also a reason to look forward to my day. Without it, I might as well be nothing.

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