5 things to do this Halloween!

It’s officially Halloween tonight and for the first time since Covid-19 started you can tell that buzz about Halloween is back. But if you’re reading this article your days of trick or treating are probably long gone and you’re looking for some things to do tonight. Here’s a list of the top 5 things you should do tonight for Halloween.


  1. Handing out candy! Just because your trick or treating days are over it doesn’t mean that their isn’t still kids looking for a treat tonight. Make sure you’re close to your door and ready to hand out candies to those eager young kids!
  2. Halloween cocktails! Are you looking to have a nice drink tonight with a partner, friend or two, or just by yourself? Halloween cocktails are a great way to stay on Halloween theme while getting a little bit tipsy (it is a Monday after all, drink responsibly). If you need some cocktail ideas checkout this article:

    Get in the spirit with Halloween cocktails

  3. Visit a haunted house! Once all the kids are done trick or treating for the night a haunted house is a great way to get in the halloween spirit. Haunted houses are also everywhere, just google haunted houses near you and tons will pop up in your own city!
  4. Watch a horror movie! Horror movies are so fun and right in the spirit for Halloween! My personal recommendation would be Sinister! Check out this article on why you should be watching Sinister tonight:

    Why You’re Watching Sinister This Weekend

  5. Stay safe! Kids are roaming the roads, its dark and rainy out, and crime is statistically always higher on halloween. Stay safe and make sure you exercise extra caution this Halloween!


Enjoy your night and tag us @evolution1079 if you use any of these ideas!

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